Sr No Title of book  Year or publication
1 Games people play 1977
2 Indian Film 1980
3 Previews and Premises 1984
4 The Punjab Sternly 1984
5 You will see it who you believe it 1998
6 Something ware 1999
7 Bream Through therein 2001
8 Leadership 2001
9 India’s Economy in 21st country 2001
10 Perfect health 2000
11 Gordian Sachs 2000
12 Body Measurement 2001
13 Rich Dad Poor Dad 2001
14 Count our chickens before they hatch 2001
15 The statesman year book  2002
16 War & Diplomacy in Kashmir 2002
17 Buddhism in prospective 2003
18 A Twist in the tale 2003
19 Straight from the gut 2003
20 The principle Upanishads 2003
21 How to trigger your positive thoughts 2006
22 Chromosome – 6 2009
23 The black swan 2010
24 A Driefer History of time 2011
25 Eleven Minutes 2011
26 Tuesday with Morrie 2011
27 Freedom is not free 2011
28 UFO sightings 2011
29 Sample appreciation 1972
30 Fundamentals o Marketing 1977
31 An Anthology 1980
32 Mental Retardation and Learning 1984
33 Shop Theory 1974
34 Seven Habits of Highly effective people 1998
38 Simple Abundantly 1999
39 Lowing the T habits 1999
40 Business @ speed to thought 1999
41 Navigate iiercertaierity  2001
42 Don’t Sweat the swell stuff 2000
43 Let us ‘C’ 2001
44 e- Leadership Guiding your Business to success in the new Economy 2002
45 Simple genius 2007
46 Fire orders 2008(copy no –01235) 2008
47 Divine feistier 2009
48 Kellogg on Marketing 2011
49 The Host 2011
50 The immortals of Meluha 2011
51 You are born to blossom 2013
52 Wings of fire 2013
53 India 2020, A Vision for the new Millennium 2013
54 The Power of Positive Thinking 1980
55 Introduction to Radar system 2001
56 Quantum Healing 2000
57 Human Resources management 2002
58 The six sigma Revolutions 2003
59 Honor Among Thieves 2003
60 The Eagle has flown 2003
61 Unconditional life 2003
62 Kargil 1999: Pakistan fourth war far Kashmir. 2007
63 Business policy & strategic management 2007
64 Rough Justice the associate 2009
65 The associate 2009
66 False impression 2009
67 The secret 2009
68 The 3 mistakes of my life 2009
69 Basant kumar & Sarla Birla 2011
70 You can hear me now 2011
71 A brief Hostory of time 2011
72 20 and still vergin? 2011
73 The lost scrps of love 2011
74 A feeling beyond words 2011
75 Mahakavi kalidas 2011
77 Mother Teresa 2011
78 Nobel prize winner for Peace 2011
79 SACHIN 2011
80 A letter India, A better world 2011
81 How Managers Motivate The imperatives of Supreme 1978
82 India’s foreign Economic Police 1979
83 Introducing India 1983
84 The Len Developed Management 1987
85 We The People 1986-87
86 The Japan Economic Miracle 1987
87 India of the Nuclear challenge 1987
88 A Nation of its Norway at war 1987
89 Monetary Planning for India 1987
90 Business Expert System 1989
91 Up Against odds (Autobiography of an Indian scientist) 1992
92 Neuro Intelligent system 1994
93 War of the Block Heavens. 1997
94 Forts thing first 1998
95 Principle centered leadership 1998
96 Ageless Book tire rears Mired 1998
97 Healing the Heart 2000
98 The emergence of leadership 2003
99 Riot: A Noval 2003
100 Tomorrow’s war 21st country Defence strategies 2007
101 Blue Ocean Strategy 2010
102 The grand Design 2011
103 Dark side of leadership 2011
104 Don't oil the squeaky wheel 2011
105 The winner stands alone 2011
106 Nothing Lasts Forever No secret can
stay buried
107 Sumthing of a mocktale 2011
108 Those small Lil things in life & love 2011
109 Nobel Prize winner in Physics 2011
110 Nobel prize winner in economics 2011
111 I have a dream 2011
112 Living with Honour 2011
113 Who gets promoted,
Who don't and why
114 The west & The rest 2011
115 The luminous sparks 2013
116 Mission India 2013
117 A Train to Pakistan 2014
118 Further along the road less traveled 1998
119 Denial of the soul 1998
120 Celestine prophecy and Advantage 1996
121 Truth inside 1998
122 Celestine prophecy an Experimental Guide 1998
123 New Passage. 1st 1999
124 Gifts from Elkins 2001
125 Real Magic 2001
126 Your Erroneous Zones 2001
127 Working with eruptional intelligence 2001
128 Competing for the Future 2001
129 The mahabharata 2003
130 If life is a gain, those are the rules 1999
131 Buy Ology 2010
132 The universe in a Nutshell 2011
133 Timing the market 2007
134 The technical analysis of  stock, options & future 2007
135 Elliott wave explained 2007
136 Project management for business & teleology 2007
137 Legal safeguards for Defence personal 2007
138 India Pakistan and the secret Jihad: the covert war of Kashmir, (1947-2004) 2007
139 The world is flat 2007
140 International economics 2007
141 The changing face of war 2007
142 Nixon and kissinger 2007
143 International Economics: theory & policy 2007
144 The economics of Development & planning 2007
145 Growth & development 2007
146 Supply chain management (concepts & cases) 2007
147 Consumer Behavior & managerial Decision making 2007
148 Consumer behavior 2007
149 Services marketing the Indian concept 2007
150 The marketing of services 2007
151 Psychology for the armed services 2008
152 The lost symbol 2010
153 Stay hugry stay foolish 2011
154 New Moon 2011
155 How to be a star at work 2011
156 Metrication booklist 1973
157 Data Processing 1979
158 Application of OR Tech 3. Denizen Networks With Managerial Applicators 1982
159 Warning in the gave of life 1999
160 Change your Brain change your life 1999
161 The Dammar pad 2003
162 Panchatantra 2003
163 Friendship with god. 2003
164 Application for living 2003
165 Compensation with god 2003
166 The new Revelations 2003
167 Shamans, mysties & Doctors 2003
168 The lost juror 2004
169 Journey 2001
170 Avenger 2003
171 Dating game 2004
172 Bleachers 2004
173 No Mercy 2004
174 The family 2003
175 Seizure 2003
176 Sin city 2003
177 Midnight runner 2002
178 The cell 2002
179 Blue Horizon 2004
180 Birds of prey 1998
181 Bad company 2004
182 Icon 1996
183 The crisis 2007
184 Are you afraid of the dark 2007
185 Da Vinci code 2007
186 Delhi City Map 2008
187 Strong medicine 2009
188 Act of Treason 2009
189 A prison diary Vol-II 2003
190 A prison diary Vol III 2004
191 My life 2004
192 Success is never ending failure is never final 1990
193 Many lives, Many Masters 2004
194 Through time into healing 2001
195 Investments  2005
196 The 8th habit from effectiveness to perfect ness 2005
197 Mansion nonpareil: marvel on raisin hill 2007
198 The tristan   betrayal 2007
199 The ambler warning 2007
200 Split second 2007
201 Maintainability Principles & Practice 1969
202 National Electrical Safety Code 1996
203 Indian Defence Products 1999
204 Hand book or sound engineers 2002
205 Jain Philosophy historical Outline 2003
206 The 9/11 conspiracy 2007
207 The innocent man 2008
208 The mark who sold his Ferrari 2008
209 Who moved My cheese 2008
210 The collectors 2009
211 Five point some one 2009
212 One night @ the call center 2009
213 Priya In Incrediable Indyaa 2011
214 Chengiz Khan 2011
215 Maximise your potential 2011
216 Management by consciousness 2011
217 The tipping point 2011
218 The biggest Frauds 2011
219 Napoleon 2011
220 Nelson Mandela 2011
221 Martin Luther King JR 2011
222 Oprah Winfrey 2011
223 Albert Eintein 2011
224 The fifth Mountain 2011
225 I'm not twenty four 2011
226 Corporate Atyachaar 2011
227 Nobel prize winner in Medicine 2011
228 Nobel prize winner in Chmistry 2011
229 Angels & Demons 2011
230 Ignited minds 2013
231 Radar Signal Analysis 1974
232 Going Metric Progress in 1972 1974
233 Aviation Ordinance Man’s Manual (AO) 1974
234 AD-A026561-An alternative approach as achieve Notes Std 1981
235 HTML 4 unlashed 1999
236 PERL 5 Interactive Course (W/CD) 1996
237 Power Builder 5 unleashed (W/CD) 1997
238 VB script Interactive course waiter group 1997
239 Maximizing Windows NT server 4 1997
240 Teach yourself Networking in 24 hours 1998
241 Teach yourself Unix in 24 hours 1998
242 Complete Guide to Upgrading and repairing PCS 1999
243 MCSD Visual Basic Exam-70-175 Designing & Implementation applications 2001
244 Dir craft melon metallic materials handbook 2003
245 Trains at a glance 2005

आखरी अपडेट : 11-03-2025 | आगंतुक गणना : 2740582