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  • Faqs On Codification


Q1. What should be the course of action in case where non Approved INC is more appropriate than the Approved INC.

Ans.  As per NCS approved INCs are to be preferred for codification for current identification of item of supply. However, in cases where approved INCs are either not available or not suitable, Non approved INCs may be used in consultation with DoS.  The present non approved INCs are migrated ones, may appear most suitable based on nomenclature however, does not have any descriptive (MRCs) details. Therefore, the use of these INCs are restricted.

Q2. In case of non-availability of ICN data especially where the equipment is used by more than one service, is it possible to undertake codification.

Ans.  Yes, it is possible to codify and allot NSNs without the ICN data. The ICN data is may be filled by AsHSP subsequently as and when available. However, manufacturer’s part number is mandatory in reference data.  Further, the software supports one ICN from each service.

Q3.   Are contract details of the manufacturer with the OEM essential for adoption of foreign NSNs.

Ans.  For imported store from NATO/Tier-2 countries, there is a need for adoption of official NSNs. If the NSNs of imported items are known or available in NMCRL database, the LAU transaction would be initiated by NCB India. However, in case the NSNs are not available, the details of the Contract Agreement (mandatory) containing manufacturer’s details and OEM part number/Name to be provided to NCB India to approach the respective foreign country for codification. Once the Responsible Organisation for the adopted NSNs are mapped, the AsHSP are required to update the necessary internal references and private data(Refer ACodP-1, FORM AC135-No1).

Q4.  How do we codify Russian origin items.

Ans. It is a myth that the equipments pertaining to Russian origin cannot be codified.  On the contrary, all Russian items are required to be codified as any other store.  It has been observed that a few of Eastern European NATO countries like Slovenia, Czech Republic are undertaking codification, and NSNs are available in NMCRL data base. Therefore, towards codification of Russian store, the availability of NSNs are to be checked in NMCRL. If available, the correctness of NSN is to be authenticated by AHSP

by comparison with available references technical specifications. If no NSNs are available, the respective AHSP is to codify item by using the technical specification.

Q5. How should we codify an indigenous item if manufacturer/vendor is not registered in NCAGE.

Ans.  NCAGE of Manufacturer is essential/mandatory for codification. In case of non availability of manufacturers are to be sensitized to get themselves registered at the earliest. Further, all AsHSP are to institute measures to make NCAGE mandatory during the registration of vendors. The NCAGE code is to be obtained through online/offline mode. The details are available on Directorate website (https://ddpdos.gov.in/form/ncage-form).

Q6.  Codification activities are hampered due to either non-availability of technical details or due to reluctance of vendors to share technical details, specifications and drawings owing to proprietary nature of the item.

Ans.  In such cases, AHSPs are to proactively liaise with the manufacturers/OEMs to share the broad technical details essential to fill up the mandatory MRC fields. Still if no technical details are available, then the NSNs are to be generated based on reference data.  As a way ahead, AsHSP are to generate a questionnaire or a query based model(based on MRC fields)  and seek only the requisite data as required by MRCs.

Q7.   AsHSP are unable to issue Assignment List of DCANs migrated to NSNs due to problems in locating Cat/Sec and Main Equipment references.

Ans. All AsHSP are to revisit and update missing/erroneous fields before issuance of Assignment lists.

Q8.  Can Indian Responsible Organisations/AsHSP codify imported items with Indian NCAGEs.

Ans.  No. However, in case of erroneous codification, the NSNs are made as Local and will not be shared in NMCRL.

Q9.  How do the AsHSP add manufacturer (NCAGE) to the imported store.

Ans. The privileges of adding Indian manufacturer is not available with the AsHSP. All such details are to be forwarded to DoS for hard copy updation provided AsHSP/Responsible Organisation is convinced that indigenous product has same form fit and function.

Q10.   What is the difference between AHSP and Responsible Organisation.

Ans.   Whilst all QAs for the three services have been designated as AsHSP, in as far as codification is concerned all organisations undertaking codification of defence items are re-designated as Responsible Orgainsation viz AsHSP, DPSUs and OEMs.

Q11.   It is not possible to codify each and every item in complex systems as there are millions of components. Considering time taken for generation for each NSN, it would take several months to codify the store.

Ans.  In case of complex systems, codification is to be undertaken only to the level of sub-system essential for a logistician.

Q12.  How are COTS items to be codified as technical details are generally not available.

Ans.   Yes, all COTS items are required to be codified mandatorily based on the specifications and reference data. Technical details w.r.t. COTS Items being general in nature are available on catalogues, packing manufacturer website etc. in addition the technical details can be sought for supplier.

Q13.  Which type of items are to be given priority during codification.

Ans.  The priority is to be decided by the logisticians recommendation conveyed to concerned responsible organisation. However, in general the newly inducted items, followed by items under induction are to be codified first. The next priority to be given for items already inducted into service based on the vintage. In addition, the export potential Items/equipments are to be given priority.

Q14.  Is there a requirement to codify items under obsolescence.

Ans.  Till an item is obsolete from service, they are to be codified for better inventory management. Since we have huge inventory to be codified, the items under obsolescence are to be given last priority after checking the status, if not already obsolete.

As a principle, items imported from NATO/Tier 2 country are not to be codified. However, Items codified using foreign NCAGE with reference number are to be made as local and retained in our software TIR. All efforts to be made for adoption of suitable NSNs.

Q15.  Many of the migrated NSNs are under OBE. What should be the course of action.

Ans.  Assignment list of all OBE/OBT items duly approved by the respective services are to be forwarded to DoS for cancellation/hard copy updation.

Q16.  Addition of manufacturer to the existing NSN is not given to the user of imported item.

Ans. The request for adding references (NCAGE) against adopted NSNs for imported items may be forwarded to NCB India for taking up with originating NCB.

Q17.  ‘A’ Series INCs (temporary) are matching with drawing/requirements which should not happen. What should be the course of action.

Ans.  ‘A’ series INCs are non-approved INCs created to facilitate data migration from legacy software to web based software. These INCs are not to be used for codification as they are not linked with MRCs.  During codification, in case approved/suitable INCs are not found in codification software, the matter be referred to DoS long with technical details for issuance of new Non-approved INCs with appropriate MRCs and Group Class.

Q18. With the styles available in the web based software, we are unable to classify the item.

Ans. Styles(Types /Category) of item are available in codification software as per IIG, managed by NSPA.  Any addition/deletion is to be taken up with NSPA provided they are justified.

Q19.  What is the methodology for INC selection.

Ans. INC Selection is based on expertise in the related field and is to be undertaken in association with personnel with subject expertise.

Q20. Why has DoS put restriction on the number of User IDs and Passwords.

Ans. Only limited no. of UIDs and passwords (200 with all rights and 200 with viewing rights) have been provisioned through the OEM. Based on the experience and considering the quantum of work, two each UIDs/Passwords were issued to each AHSP. However, additional UIDs are being issued on case to case basis to meet the enhanced codification tasks, taking into consideration the no. of NSNs generated by the AHSP.


Last Updated on : 22-10-2024 | Visitor Count : 2547821