

Directorate of Standardisation implements Standardisation through Entry Control and Variety Reduction.

Entry control is primarily achieved through ‘Codification’ and screening of proposal for availability of similar/ related standards/ specifications. To achieve “Entry Control” the Directorate prepares Joint Services Catalogues based on NATO Codification system. Catalogues are being published group-class wise and circulated to all concerned AsHSP and the Standardisation Sub-Committees. When a new Store/Item is introduced into the Services these Catalogues are checked through Computer Media to prevent duplication thereby ensuring “Entry Control”.

Joint Services Preferred Range (JSPR) for a list of stores based on a series of preferred numbers (such as Renard Series) for a particular commodity/equipment/assembly/sub-assembly/item belonging to a specific discipline like Armament, Electronics etc. This permits use of minimum number of sizes/grades of an item to cover adequately, the current and future requirements. It also aims at helping future design development. It has two parts. ‘Part A’ contains list of current eqpt while ‘Part B’ contains list of obsolete/ obsolescent items.

The Variety Reduction is also achieved through preparation of  Joint Services Rationalised List (JSRL). It is a list of existing inventory items, arrived at after elimination of superfluous variety from existing inventory, which is adequate to meet the present requirement of users. Once a JSRL is issued for any commodity/ equipment/ assembly/ sub-assembly/ item the corresponding JSPR on the subject would be suppressed.

In addition to the above documents, Standardisation Sub-Committees also prepare Joint Services Specifications (JSS) and Joint Services Guides (JSG) to ensure Standardisation of products and processes.

Adoption of Indian Standards issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards for materials and equipment, Test Methods, Glossary of Terms etc is of paramount importance from the point of view of developing common source of supply for both Defence and Civil needs. Defence Standardisation Programme will, therefore, provide for active participation in the preparation of Indian Standards and their eventual adoption. This will make it possible to include in Defence Production the commonly available commercial products. Our National Standard are Indian Standard prepared by Bureau of Indian Standards. It is the policy of Government and the Standardisation Committee to adopt BIS Standards where practicable in preference to making departmental specifications to avoid duplicity and exercise economy of effort. If, it is adopted in full without any modification, an ‘Approval Notification’ would be issued by the Directorate of Standardisation.

Last Updated on : 19-02-2025 | Visitor Count : 2707223