Standardisation Directive for Defence

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Standardisation Directive for Defence


1. This Directive lays down policies and assigns responsibilities for the Defence Standardisation Programme, Codification and Metrication, establishes the Standardisation Committee and provides for the issue of the Standardisation and Cataloguing Manuals for dissemination of procedures and methodology formulated in furtherance of the policies formulated here in.


2. The provisions of this Directive apply to the Defence Services and the various Defence Organisations concerned, such as DRDO, Quality Assurance, Procurement, Defence Public Sector Undertakings and other organisations handling defence stores.


3. This Directive pertains to the preparation and promulgation of Joint Services Specifications and preferred Ranges of Stores, to ensure “Entry Control”, Variety Reduction and inter-service commonality of Stores, carrying out the activities of Codification, Metrication and Rationalisation of existing stores used by the Defence Services

4. The Defence Standardisation Programme has as its objective the control of item’s proliferation within the Defence Services through the exercise of discipline and procedures prescribed by the Defence Standardisation Manual. This objective is achieved by:

a) Preparing Standards and adopting Standard/Preferred Ranges of all items to guide, design, development, production, inspection and procurement

b) Using Standard/Inter-changeable equipment and material.

c) Codifying and Cataloguing the Service Inventory in such a detailed manner that an effective inventory is established, thereby preventing the preparation of duplicate and overlapping descriptions of material and stores

d) Achieving “Entry Control” in the case of equipment commercially produced by restricting procurement from nominated manufacturers.


5. Within the Ministry of Defence “A Single Integrated Standardisation Programme” shall be adopted to achieve the objectives stated in Para 4 above. The Standardisation Programme shall be managed in accordance with the following guidelines:

a) Joint Services Specifications and Preferred Ranges for equipment, stores, parts and practices shall be used during the development process. The use of such documentation shall not be imposed to the extent that engineering initiative would be thwarted with respect to full utilisation of new technology or that necessary performance parameters of the equipment of the system would be degraded.

b) Specifications, Preferred Ranges of Stores and other documents issued by the Directorate of Standardisation will be used by design, manufacturing, inspection, procuring and allied agencies.

c) “Entry Control” through Standardisation shall be planned and implemented for preventing variety of items from entering the supply system. When one Service wishes to introduce any item, it shall first refer to the Preferred Ranges of Joint Services Specifications issued on similar items. When any Service wishes to introduce an item dissimilar to that listed in Preferred Ranges or Joint Services Specifications, it shall do so only after referring the case to the Directorate of Standardisation

d) Rationalisation of existing inventory shall be carried out on intra and inter Service basis. Intra service rationalisation in respect of equipment specific to a particular service will be done by the Services in consultation with AsHSP and items of Inter-Service nature will be rationalisation by the Directorate of Standardisation

e) Services Inventory shall be codified and catalogued under the Defence Stores Cataloguing System. This will provide a uniform supply language for the three Services. All new introductions shall be catalogued at the first instance so as to avoid accumulation while the remaining Services inventory will be catalogued on a “Priority Weighing”.

f) Defence Services and all Defence Organisations shall adopt the “System International”.

g) Directorate of Standardisation shall monitor and coordinate the entire Defence Standardisation activity

h) Guidelines for the execution shall be laid down by the Standardisation Committee.


6. Standardisation Committee shall be the foremost guiding body on all matters of Standardisation. The Directorate of Standardisation shall provide the secretariat for the Standardisation Committee. The Committee shall meet at least once in six months.

7. Chairman - Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri


- Additional Secretary Ministry of Defence.

- Additional Secretary (Defence Production).

- Integrated Financial Advisor, (DP), Ministry of Defence

- Joint Secretary dealing with Standardisation matters.

- Director General of Quality Assurance.

- Director General Aeronautical Quality Assurance.

- Director, Planning & Coordination, Department of Defence Production.

- Chief Controller, Research & Development.

- Master General of Ordnance, Army Headquarters.

- Chief of Material, Naval Headquarters.

- Air Officer-in-Charge (Maintenance), Air Headquarters.

- Director General Ordnance Factories.

Co-opted Members

- Director General Bureau of Indian Standards

- Officer-in-Charge, LCSO, Bengaluru

Member Secretary

- Director of Standardisation.

8. The Standardisation Committee may co-opt/invite representatives from various Organisations on as required basis.


a) To lay down policy guidelines concerning Standardisation and other matters coming within the scope of this Directive, for the purposes of evaluation, selection and introduction of major new weapons and equipment by the Defence Services.

b) To lay down the policy of Joint Service Standardisation

c) To review and guide the Standardisation activities.

d) To liaise with other National & International Standardisation Organisations.


10. To assist the Standardisation Committee in implementation of the policy, Standardisation Sub-Committee with adequate and appropriate representation of the Services, Inspection, Research and Development Organisations and concerned agencies would be formed.


11. Responsibilities for administration and implementation of Defence Standardisation Programme are assigned as follows:

a) General responsibility for conducting standardisation work within the Ministry of Defence and the handling of standardisation interests in all fields, devolves directly on the Director of Standardisation. He will function under the control of Department of Defence Production & Supplies, within the broad policies enunciated by the Standardisation Committee. Detailed technical instructions stating the procedures and methods for implementing the policy of Standardisation and Codification will be issued by Directorate of Standardisation.

b) Joint Services Specifications, Preferred Ranges of Stores and such other documents prepared by the Standardisation Sub-Committees and the Defence Codification Authority will be supplied by the Directorate of Standardisation to concerned agencies.

c) The Defence Services, Research & Development Organisations, Quality Assurance Organisations, Procurement Agencies shall plan, programme, budget and implement Defence Standardisation programme on a level sufficient to assure support to the Inter-Services Standardisation programme and the efforts of the Standardisation Committee. These Organisations shall nominate Senior Officers to act as Liaison Officers at focal points for all Standardisation matters.

d) Service Standardisation Cells headed by Senior Officers shall be established in each Service Headquarters to deal with all Standardisation matters on behalf of the particular Service. These Standardisation Cells would not only provide a contact with the Directorate of Standardisation but also would be responsible for:

i) INTER SERVICE rationalisation and simplification of existing variety of equipment and stores specific to the Service.

ii) Planning and projecting Standardisation programme for INTER SERVICE rationalisation and “ENTRY CONTROL”. They will indicate the necessary priority to be accorded to such proposals.

iii) Monitoring the application for the Standards issued by the Directorate of Standardisation and the relevant Indian Standards.

e) Chiefs of Staff and Heads of other Organisations shall issue suitable directives for implementation of Defence Standardisation Policy.


12. Adoption of Indian Standards issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards for materials and equipment, Test Methods, Glossary of Terms etc is of paramount importance from the point of view of developing common source of supply for both Defence and Civil needs. Defence Standardisation Programme will, therefore, provide for active participation in the preparation of Indian Standards and their eventual adoption. This will make it possible to include in Defence Production the commonly available commercial products.



DATED : 05 OCT 77 Secretary to the Government of India

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