
Defence Standardisation Cell, Kanpur was setup in the year 1962 with an adhoc staff of 10 including Officer-in-Charge of the rank of Junior Scientific Officer (JSO). The primary  task assigned to the Cell was mainly to prepare Joint Service Specification (JSS) pertaining to General Stores discipline. The manpower posted was on the strength of Directorate of Standardisation, New Delhi. The Cell continued to function in this form till July 1984.

The Govt sanctioned PE for the Cell was accorded  with total strength of 33 including Principal Scientific Officer( PScO)/ equivalent as Officer-in-Charge ,Officers  , Non-Gazetted Officers (NGOs) and Ministerial Staff vide Ministry of Defence letter No. 1101/Adm/Std/4140/D(Insp.) dated 02 Aug 84.

The Cell became a self-accounting unit with effect from Apr 86 vide Directorate of Standardisation letter No.1101/Adm/Std dated 18 Mar 86. The codification of Defence Inventory task was included in addition to drafting of JSS. From 04 May 1998 onwards Service Officers are being posted as Officer-in-Charge of this Cell.

DS Cell, Kanpur under direction of Dte of Standardisation, New Delhi played its role for effectively overcoming the difficulties faced  due to Y2K problem by various defence establishments during year 2000

DS Cell Kanpur is an ISO 9001 certified establishment.


DS Cell , Kanpur is primarily responsible for carrying out Standardization and Codification activities for the designated Defence Services/ Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)/ Central Ordinance Depots (CODs)/ Ordnance Factories (Ord Fys) falling in its geographical area of responsibility. 

DS Cell, Kanpur is primarily associated with  Stores Standardisation & Medical Stores Standardisation Sub-Committee items/equipment. It also assists all other Standardisation Sub-Committee on as required basis.

Role & Function

  1. Act as Repository of stdn and codi Data Center for the  Authorities Holding Sealed Particulars (AsHSP)/ Central Ordinance Depots (CODs)/ Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)/ Ordnance Factories (Ord Fys) and any other unit seeking assistance/info.
  2. Liaise, assist and monitor codification activities and pursue achievement of annual targets laid by Defence Equipment Codification Committee (DECC) for the Authorities Holding Sealed Particulars (AsHSP) in the AOR.
  3. To prepare/assist  Authorities Holding Sealed Particulars (AsHSP) in preparing Standard Documents (JSS, JSRL, JSPR,  JSG, AN)  as per Committee of Chairmen Standardisation Sub Committees (CCSSC) approved Roll on Plan and conversion of department Specifications into JSG-031 format as when required.
  4. Promote awareness of codification and Standardization progress in the environment.

Last Updated on : 11-03-2025 | Visitor Count : 2740074