
  1. National Codification Bureau of India (NCB India) website has been developed with a mission to provide the services a uniform codification using NATO codification system as the Global Reference Standard for national identification, act as a key enabler to support multinational inter-operatibility and harmonised logistic system. Directorate of Standardisation is also the National Codification Bureau of India since 2008.
  2. NCB India website will facilitate the Indian Industry to obtain NATO stock number and provide visibility to Indian Industry in the Global Market. NCB India will provide the following benefits to the Indian Industry:-
    1. Provide visibility to Indian Industry Products in an Electronic catalogue (NMCRL) used in acquisition and logistics by 63 nations around the world.
    2. Facilitate Indian Industry to participate in Global Supply Chain and inventory management.
    3. With 36 million part numbers, NCS is a great place to search for parts.
    4. NCB India will provide the bridge between the suppliers and users.
    5. Facility to register for SCAGE code and hence provide Global visibility in accordance with Make in India concept.
  3. It gives me immense pleasure to inaugurate the website of National Codification Bureau of India and congratulate Directorate of Standardisation for doing a commendable job

Last Updated on : 19-02-2025 | Visitor Count : 2707519