1. Advisor (M & IS) DRDO - Chairman

Members: Reps of

2. CQA (Metals), Ichapur

3. CQA (ME), Pune

4. CQA (L), Bangalore

5. CQA (EE), Pune

6. DQA (N), New Delhi

7. M & SFY, Ichapur

8. DGOS, Army HQ (OS – P1), MGO Branch New Delhi

9. DGEME, Army HQ, (Armt), New Delhi

10. Directorate of Systems (Engg), New Delhi

11. DNAI, New Delhi

12. DG Armt& Supplies, New Delhi


14. JDQAS (Aero), Directorate of Maintenance (Insp), New Delhi

15. DMRL, Hyderabad

16. Directorate of Material, New Delhi

17. DMSRDE, Kanpur

18. CVRDE, Avadi, Madras

19. Dte of Plg&Coord

20. Hindustan Aeronautical Ltd, Bangalore

21. MIDHANI (Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd), Hyderabad

Authority:- Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 86545/COORD/ STD/9350/D (R&D) dated 14th Nov 1977 as amended vide letter No. 86545/ 7/ Coord/ Std/72/ S/ D (R & D) dated 27 Feb 81, 85645/7/Coord/STD/242/D (Inspection) dated 22 Jan 83 and 1800/2/ Coord/STD/ 2292/D (Insp) dated 24 Jul 91.

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